Saturday, October 30, 2010

Corn Maize

We had a really fun night out at the Corn Maize tonight. Tim, Shanna and Baby Alex joined us. And we sold a flashlight we bought at the dollar tree to a guy lost in the maize for $5.00. I still can't believe he asked to buy it for that amount even after we told him where it came from. I see a profitable side business in our near future. :-P

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Call update

The Doctor's office called back. My hormone levels are very low, so they are positive I haven't ovulated yet. Doctor Dorsett is cutting her out of town meeting short to come back to Lubbock to look at my x-rays and she will call me tomorrow when she knows anything more. The office said they would try to help with the cost of the medications whenever possible. I have another appointment on Tuesday November 2nd, I will post more when I know anything.


The doctors visit sucked today!! The follicle I had, has disappeared. And it is unclear if ovulation has taken place at this time. Doctor Dorsett is still out of town. I am waiting for a call later today after they have processed my blood sample...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

HSG test update

We just got home from my HSG procedure. There's a little good news, but it's mostly bad. We will have to talk to the Doctor on what we have to do next ... I hurt a lot and I am emotionally drained. The radiologist stated that my right tube is completely open, but the left has a blockage. And my womb has "extensive scarring" to quote the radiologist. He said "holy crap" when he got his first look at them, and I knew that wasn't good. He said it will have to be "shaved off" through surgery, or implantation will be difficult. It most likely won't be covered by insurance. We have almost blown through all of our savings already since Monday ... I don't know what we are going to be able to afford. On Sunday, I will give myself the first FSH shot to stimulate follicle growth. But I am now wondering if it is even worth continuing. I have another appointment with Dr. Dorsett on Monday morning. I guess we will find out what our options are then. I will post another update when I know more.

Hysterosalpingogram test today

I will go in for my Hysterosalpingogram at 1:30pm today. After reading up on it on, I am more then a bit nervous about the test. My doctor told me to take double the recommended dose of OTC Tylenol an hour before the test to manage pain and she put me on a Z-pack to prevent possible infection from the dye used. I really hope the test is normal ...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fertility Update!!

We received fantastic news at the Endocrinologist's visit today. She was thrilled with my weight loss. My cysts have reduced in size to where they aren't visible on the ultrasound that was done today. I will start the double dose's of Clomid tonight and I go in Wednesday for another ultrasound where they will inject dye into my tubes to check for blockages. Then on Sunday, I will give myself a FSH shot to help increase the size/chance that my follicles will grow. Then on the 25th we go back in to measure the follicles to see if they are at least 18 mm. If they are, then I will get an HCG shot to help induce ovulation and to give my body a LH surge. If everything goes as planned, we could be pregnant by the end of this month!!!