Monday, October 18, 2010

Fertility Update!!

We received fantastic news at the Endocrinologist's visit today. She was thrilled with my weight loss. My cysts have reduced in size to where they aren't visible on the ultrasound that was done today. I will start the double dose's of Clomid tonight and I go in Wednesday for another ultrasound where they will inject dye into my tubes to check for blockages. Then on Sunday, I will give myself a FSH shot to help increase the size/chance that my follicles will grow. Then on the 25th we go back in to measure the follicles to see if they are at least 18 mm. If they are, then I will get an HCG shot to help induce ovulation and to give my body a LH surge. If everything goes as planned, we could be pregnant by the end of this month!!!

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